Football Betting Tips - Free Soccer Predictions
Welcome to the home of Free Football betting tips provided by Soccer (or European football) is undoubtably one of the most popular sports on earth. This popularity also translate in one of the highest turnovers when it comes to betting on sports. Among street betting shops and online bookmakers, there are billions of dollars wagered every year on soccer. With so much money in the game, there is no reason to not make the best of betting by reasearching statistics for each game, reading sports news headlines and also checking for betting tips produced for each match.
Betting Tips by SoccerStats247 does exactly that: provides daily free betting tips for various football tournaments from all over the world, along with quick info and links for statistical analisis. Our soccer predictions are based on mathematical formula, always tweeked for getting the best results.
Latest Football Predictions
Check below for some of the latest betting tips available on our website:
Money Management
When it comes to betting, it is recommended to have a money management system in place, regardless if you are a recreational punter or a professional one.
Firtsly, you should establish a clear amount to use for betting - either if this is a one time thing or betting on a regular basis (ex: monthly). This amount should be a value of money you feel confortable should it be lost - sports betting is gambling afterall. Money used for betting should not be meant for something else, more important things like rent, food, utilities etc.
Once you have the value established at previous step, we recommend not having all your eggs on one basket - so our recommendation is to not bet all your money at once, on a single betting event, no matter how sure you may thing you are of the outcome. Our recommendation here is to split that value into 10 parts or more (depending on the actual value you have set).
Third, and the most important part of any systems is discipline. Keep up to the above two steps when betting - do not go over the value set for betting, do not try to chase for loses. Discipline, like in any other activity is the key to success, the key to keep you away from unnecesary risks.
Betting Tips FAQ
Are Betting Tips Guaranteed? The answer is simple - no. As it involves sports betting (which is a gambling activity), nothing is 100% guaranteed. Furthermore, you should stay away from websites and tipsters that promote their betting tips as guaranteed - this is a first sign of deceptive practices for buying a service that simply can not be 100% guaranteed.
Why should I trust betting tips provided here? While we can not guarantee our tips, we do publish our predictions publicly and are made available for everyone to see. Free of charge. This alone gives firstly a new label of trust to our services. You can check these predictions well ahead of any game and check the results - the decision is yours.
I also use paid betting tips services. Can I combine them with yours? As our betting tips are free to use, you are allowed to use them however you want. As stated above, paid services try to sell you the idea of hand picked / guaranteed betting predictions. We would recommend taking these claims with a good dose of scheptisism because in our betting experience we have seen numerous matches where a participant is listed with odds of 1.1 to win (which should be a fairly safe bet to place), but with the participating failing to execute (drawing or losing the match).
Why are these betting tips free? Simply put because we can do that - already has a strong database of statistics from various soccer competitions from around the world - we just created the mathematical algorithm that can predict different outcomes for each game based on past results, form and trends. Furthermore, we get paid by advertisers to show of banners on sides of this website - all these help us bring the betting tips free to you.
Do you offer daily betting tips? Yes, our betting tips are offerd on a daily basis. In fact, most tips are published well ahead of each game, up to 5 days in advance, for every game in selected competitions - this means we provide betting tips 24/7.
Can I copy your betting tips? You are allowed to copy our predictions and use them for betting. However if you are looking to publish these betting tips somewhere else - you are required to put the source of the tips (a link back to our website). Furthermore, for such implementation, we have created a service that allows you to pull betting tips from our website using the soccer widgets - see the section link in the footer.